The high-quality tip will help you remove old material effortlessly.
Stainless steel and precision sharpening keep the tipquality and sharpfor a longer time .
Due to its unique shape, the tip does not vibrate or heat up.
Marked in green, the cylinder-shaped drill bit is distinguished by a high-quality tooth sharpening. This gives the drill bit extra sharpness and surface smoothness (after the removal of the material). High quality manufacturing gives the drill bit sharpness and surface smoothness (after removing material).
This drill bit easily removes even the thickest amount of artificial material.
The straight drill bit section allows for a larger area of material to be removed faster. Provides for a higher degree of stability.
Insert the drill bit after opening (unscrewing) the machine handle. Close it (screw in the handle) and start removing the artificial material. It is recommended to work using 25000-35000 rpm.
Rough It is recommended to use with a thicker amount of material.
Our production bits wear more slowly and have a longer service life. The nozzle can be used 25 - 35 times.